At Anime School we give you 1000's of anime videos and pictures of hot school girls! We have an amazing archive of School Girl content. Our movies focus on school girls doing the naughtiest things such as: After class punishments, hot and naughty sex lessons, Girls pleasing their teachers for better grades, Teachers taking advantage of their students and much much more! We also provide the best movies with the best story lines insuring you will always be entertained. Join our site for full access to the largest anime school girl archive on the internet.

Duration: 22 mins/25 secs
Movie Size: 126 MB
A love triangle heats up as best buddies Hiyori and Yuki find out that they both love their chilhood friend Kenji. Hiyori lets YKenji know how Yuki feels and before long Kenji and Yuki are hotly banging each other with pent-up lust!

Duration: 22 mins/55 secs
Movie Size: 123 MB
This tells the story of Manami, the girl with a naughty dual personality. As Manami, she is the sexy but extremely shy girl, but as Nami she is the strong, feisty slut. Find out how Manami deals with the two personalities to maintain a balance

Duration: 26 mins/08 secs
Movie Size: 122 MB
Chitose and Haruhiko are in love. The thing is, Haruhiko is her older sister's ex-boyfriend and he is also Chitose's teacher in school! Trouble awaits as the other faculty members and students find out about their relationship.

Duration: 24 mins/29 secs
Movie Size: 121 MB
What happens when a group of schoolgirls fantasize about one professor? They fulfill the fantasy, of course! Featuring humping in the infirmary, fingering on a train, bondage, and even sex with a fat old man, this movie will surely get your pants wet!



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